ah, in this stanza I sigh for you

ah, in this stanza I sigh for you (remake) are a series of poems in electronic trumpet-shaped sculptures, that radiate dreams of those who migrated to Sweden in the 60s and 90s, many with socialist aspirations. The work is inspired by Afrang Nordlöf Malekian’s research at the Public Art Agency Sweden’s extensive archive of prints from 1960–1990.

People of different ages and backgrounds have read the dream poems in the work to give voice to various migratory experiences of unrealized socialist utopia by both the people who directly migrated and the ones who inherited those dreams. For this exhibition, they were also recorded in Farsi and English to voice an even more comprehensive range of languages, hence experiences.

For many migrant groups, music is a way to stay in touch with their roots. The poems are accompanied to various pieces by the Iranian trumpeter Manouchehr Biglari and composer Fariborz Lachini, where the speed of the original music has been slowed down and altered by the artist.

The electronic trumpets in the exhibition are prints themselves. In a sigh, these 3D-printed sculptures extend the understanding of printmaking and reproduction through the landscape of the diaspora, the ones in exile.